How to navigate through the net safely

The internet has made everything we do very easy. Everything we could possibly ever need online is just one click away. This luxury that we are afforded however comes with its own consequences sadly. You might not be aware about it, but best believe the websites you use are using trackers to follow your browsing habits around the web and know more about you.

At the moment, you probably think you surf the web in the rightest way possible and you would never fall victim to spyware, malware and all other malicious actors crawling the internet. Think twice! You probably have been spied upon countless times. A malware could infect itself into your computer when you least expect it and all it takes is to wind up on a bad page at the wrong time. Spyware is usually designed to run undetected so you would probably never find out unless you run a virus check.

To protect yourself from these nasty things, here are a few tips on how to navigate safely through the internet.

  1. Avoid websites that seem fishy. Always look out for the https: at the beginning of the address instead of just http:
  2. Never download software from websites you do not trust. Pay extra attention to free apps and software before you click the download button.
  3. Ensure you have security and privacy settings fully enabled on your browser of choice
  4. If you have an anti-virus installed, ensure it is up-to-date as this might come in handy when you need to fight attacks
  5. Ensure you update your operating systems and existing software often. Updates are usually employed to combat security vulnerabilities
  6. Use plugins or extensions for your browsers to help block malicious or tracking scripts from functioning while you’re online
  7. Clear cookies from your browser. Cookies allow websites to track you even after you have left their site.
  8. Remember about Safe Browsing and services like safe domain that verify websites and domains you want to visit.
  9. Use two-factor authentication whenever you can. Two-factor authentication is used when a service requires two modes of identity verification. So, asides your password, you might also get a link to your mail or a verification code sent to your phone. This second layer of protection is an efficient way of keeping you and your data protected.
  10. Use a VPN. Virtual Private Networks help to scramble or mask your internet connection. They redirect your surfing through different virtual networks so it appears that you are surfing from a different location than you really are.
  11. You could also use Private Search Engines. Private search engines make your privacy a priority. They never track your searches or pry into your personal data, they also hide your search terms locally.

Security and privacy on the internet are serious business that is constantly evolving. Methods or practices that guarantee your online safety today may not necessarily protect you a week, month or year from now. The internet is a relatively open platform, this means that new threats will surface from time to time. It is important to get diverse opinions on security products and protection measures you use and employ.

Published on: 12/8/18, 6:51 PM